General Settings
These settings determine general bot functionality
Show only metal
Sort inventory
Sorting type:
Create listings
Add as a friend
Send group invite
Autobump (auto-relist)
Skip items in trade
Weapons as currency
Include uncraftable weapons
Full uses check
Dueling minigame
Noise maker
Display TF2 as running game
Custom game name:
Alert Settings
These settings determine which alerts to the owner (and admins) in the case of errors or high-value items
Send alerts
Autokeys Alert Settings
Low pure alert
Failed to add key alert
Failed to update key alert
Failed to disable key alert
Backpack Alert Settings
Backpack full alert
High-Value Items Alert Settings
Item disabled alert
Item not in pricelist received alert
Item not in pricelist requested alert
Auto-Remove Failed Alert Settings
Failed to auto-remove item with intent sell alert
Auto-Add Painted Items Alert Settings
Failed to auto-add painted item alert
Failed To Accept Alert Settings
Failed to accept a trade offer alert
Unable To Process Offer Alert Settings
Unable to process a trade offer alert
Partial Price Update Alert Settings
Partial item price update alert
Partial item price update successful alert
Partial item price update failed alert
Unusual Not In Pricelist Alert Settings
Unusual not in pricelist alert
Pricelist Settings
These settings determine how the pricelist should work
Enable the partial updating of an items price
Partial price update threshold (seconds):
Exclude SKUs from partial price updates:
Filter out items the bot can't afford
Auto-remove intent sell
Auto-add invalid items
Auto-add invalid unusual items
Auto-add painted items
Price age (seconds):
Trade Exception (Bypass) Settings
These settings determine what types of trades should and shouldn't be accepted.
Allow trades with escrow (trade hold)
Allow trades with item/pure overpay
Allow trades without gift messages
Allow trades from banned/scammer accounts
Trade Summary Settings
These settings determine what trade summaries should look like.
Show item stock changes in trade summary
Show trade time taken in trade summary
Show item prices in trade summary
Show pure using emojis in trade summary
Show proper item names in trade summary
High-Value Item Settings
These settings determine what is considered a High-Value Item and what should be done when receiving a High-Value Item
Enable the holding of high-value items
High-value spells:
High-value sheens:
High-value killstreakers:
High-value strange parts:
High-value paints:
Item Normalization Settings
These settings determine when an item's attributes should and shouldn't affect a trade
Festivized Items
Recognize our Festivized items as their non-Festivized variants
Recognize our partner's Festivized items as their non-Festivized variants
Strange As Second Quality (Elevated Quality) Items
Recognize our items with Strange as a second quality as their non-Strange variants
Recognize our partner's items with Strange as a second quality as their non-Strange variants
Painted Items
Recognize our painted items as their non-painted variants
Recognize our partner's painted items as their non-painted variants
Listing Note Settings
These settings determine what buying and selling listing notes should display
Listing buy note:
Listing sell note:
High-Value Item Parameters
Show spells in listing notes
Show strange parts in listing notes
Show killstreakers in listing notes
Show sheens in listing notes
Show paint in listing notes
Custom Uses Parameters
Custom uses parameter for dueling minigames:
Custom uses parameter for noise makers:
Statistics Settings
These settings act mostly as a checkpoint for your bot when you delete your polldata. You most likely will never need to touch these options
Last total trades:
Starting time (unix timestamp):
Last total profit made (in refined):
Last total overpay received (in refined):
Time since last profit (unix timestamp):
Sending Stats Automatically
Regularly send trade statistics
Interval to send stats (THH:MM):
Autokeys Settings
These settings determine how autokeys should function
Enable autokeys
Minimum number of keys:
Maximum number of keys:
Minimum amount of refined:
Maximum amount of refined:
Autokeys Banking
Enable autokeys banking
Autokeys Scrap Adjustment
Enable autokeys scrap adjustment
Maximum amount of scrap to adjust by:
Autokeys Accept Understocked
Enable autokeys accepting understocked trades
Crafting/Smelting Settings
These settings determine how the bot should craft/smelt items
Enable the smelting of scrap weapons into scrap
Metal Smelting Settings
Enable the crafting/smelting of metals into other denominations
Minimum amount of scrap metal to hold:
Minimum amount of reclaimed metal to hold:
Upgrade metal to next denomination threshold:
Received Offer Filter Settings
These settings determine what types of offers should and shouldn't be accepted
Send a pre-accept message
Invalid Value Offers
Auto-decline trades with invalid values
SKUs that should bypass invalid value:
Value difference of a bypass SKU for it to bypass invalid value (in ref):
Custom invalid value decline message:
Invalid Item Offers
Auto-decline trades with invalid items
Give invalid items prices (from prices.tf)
Automatically accept invalid items if overpay
Custom invalid item decline message:
Disabled Item Offers
Auto-decline trades with disabled items
Automatically accept disabled items if overpay
Custom disabled item decline message:
Overstocked Item Offers
Auto-decline trades with overstocked items
Automatically accept overstocked items if overpay
Custom overstocked item decline message:
Understocked Item Offers
Auto-decline trades with understocked items
Automatically accept understocked items if overpay
Custom understocked item decline message:
Duped Item Offers
Check for duped items in trade offers
Minimum number of keys an item must be worth before it is dupe checked:
Automatically decline trades with duped items
Custom duped item decline message:
Escrow Check Failures
Ignore escrow check failures
Banned Check Failures
Ignore banned check failures
Manual Review Settings
These settings determine when manual reviews should be created and what information they should provide
Enable manual trade reviews
Manual Review General Settings
Show trade summaries for offers held in review to the trade partner
Show hold reasons for offers held in review
Show the owner's current time to the trade partner when a trade is held for review
Show the prices of items that are held for review
Invalid Value Review Settings
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to invalid value:
Invalid Items Review Settings
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to invalid items:
Disabled Items Review Settings
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to disabled items:
Overstocked Items Review Settings
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to overstocked items:
Understocked Items Review Settings
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to understocked items:
Duped Items Review Settings
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to duped items:
Other Review Settings
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to a dupe check failure:
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to an escrow check failure:
Note provided to the trade partner when a trade is held due to a banned check failure:
Custom note provided to the trade partner for all manual review holds:
Discord Webhook Settings
These settings determine how the bot's Discord Webhook should be setup
Owner's Discord ID:
Webhook name:
Webhook avatar URL:
Webhook embed color:
Webhook Content Settings
These settings determine what trade-related messages sent on Discord should look like
Trade Summary Settings
Enable discord webhook messages for trade summaries
Trade summary webhook URL(s):
Show trade partner quick links in summaries
Show the bot's key rate in summaries
Show the bot's pure stock in summaries
Show bot's inventory statistics in summaries
Custom notes that should be included in summaries:
Mention the owner when sending trade summaries
The bot should mention the owner when a trade contains these SKUs:
Mention for any trades higher than this value (in ref):
Trade Offer Review Settings
Enable discord webhook message for manual reviews
Manual review webhook URL:
Mention the owner for invalid value manual reviews
Mention the owner for general manual reviews
Show trade partner quick links in manual reviews
Show the bot's key rate in manual reviews
Show the bot's pure stock in manual reviews
Show bot's inventory statistics in manual reviews
Message Settings
Enable alerts for messages sent to the bot
Mention the owner on new messages
Message webhook URL:
Show trade partner quick links on new messages
Price Update Settings
Enable discord webhook price updates
Enable discord webhook price updates only for items in stock
Enable discord webhook messages for when the bot fails to send a price update
Price update webhook URL:
Custom notes that should be included in price updates:
Alert Settings
Enable discord webhook alerts
Mention the owner when there is an alert
Alert webhook URL:
Statistics Settings
Enable discord webhook statistics
Stats webhook URL:
Generate Options